About Us
The Tri-County Schools Insurance Group, Joint Powers Authority (JPA), was formed in 1983 for the purpose of establishing and maintaining property, liability, health, dental, vision and group life.
Advantages for our members include; greater bargaining power in the insurance market, choice of more specialized benefits, cost savings, and greater control over services.
TCSIG as a JPA is not in business to make a profit. Often by direct contracting with vendors and service partners, broker commissions and shareholder dividends can be eliminated. Our overhead is lower than other insurance carriers and we can retain any interest earned to offset expenses.

TCSIG is a public entity operating in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. The JPA is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from each member public entity. Each member entity represents one vote on the board. The meetings are open to the public.
One important key to the success of TCSIG is the active participation of employees on the Employee Benefits Advisory Committee. Each public entity appoints employees to the Committee which meets several times each year to advise the Board and Executive Committee on benefit programs. While TCSIG believes the employees acceptance of this program is high, we solicit the input and contributions of our members and their employees to maintain the long-term success of Tri-County Schools Insurance Group.

Team Members

Deputy Executive Director
Ryan Robison

Finance & Operations Manager
Nisha Johnson

Chief Financial Officer
Marisa Garramore

Administrative Clerk
Becca McIntosh

Sub-Committee Member
Craig Guensler

Sub-Committee Member
Lisa Shelton

Sub-Committee Member
Ron Sherrod

Sub-Committee Member
Daena Meras
CORE was founded in 2009 by Tri-County Schools Insurance Group to foster better education for the public at large and our membership regarding health, property and liability risks which we all must deal with every day. This organization mirrors the governance of the Executive Committee and thereby represents a large segment of our community.
Over the years, it has helped improve public access to our schools by organizing disability access audits using the DACTrak system. The funding for this effort was provided by Tri-County Schools Insurance Group and it benefited school districts and offices of education in Yuba, Sutter, and Colusa counties. The allocated funds by TCSIG in support of this effort were only used as audits were performed.
CORE has also reached out to the community and TCSIG members in partnership by publishing newsletters containing information about benefit programs to the TCSIG members and risk management messages which are addressed to all members of the community. These communications are sent periodically throughout the year.